Known Issues

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Since development has been discontinued, here is a gathering of Known Issues and potential workarounds.

  1. On Purchase Orders, if you begin receiving a PO and quit partway through receiving, in some situations the PO will be marked as incomplete, but you will not be able to return the items. This is because when receiving it, the POReceive tables have already been filled in, which ensures that the items cannot be returned multiple times, but the PurchaseOrderReceive tables were not yet filled in, as the process was exited before that point. The only way to fix this is to open the database in MS Access and remove the records from the POReceive table that should not have been there.
  2. On Gift Certificates, there have been cases where partially using a Gift Certificate will appear correct and create the correct credit, but the Gift Certificate itself doesn't remove the credit amount. This can be observed on the Daily Balance and Deposit report, where the Gift Certificate line doesn't reflect the full amount being removed, with the Credit balance not being factored in. This can be corrected by editing the Payment table record for type GCEO for the full amount. See other similar gift certificate records for examples of a correct entry and replicate that.
  3. If a sale has been partially entered but is incomplete, it will have a -ve InvoiceId (such as -1). These are removed during compacting, but if the Daily Balance and Deposit report is run at the end of the day before compacting, these sales may show on the Daily reports and cause discrepancies. If this is found, simply compact the data and re-run the reports to get the correct figures.
  4. Service Reports 3/4/5 do not accept the No Charge filter. Will give the pop up 'Enter Parameter Value', so it must be left blank on these reports.
  5. When doing a Transfer In, if you leave the Transfer and reopen it later through Functions-Find Transfer, in some situations it will change the To and From Locations so that both are the same location. If this happens, the best option is to start the transfer over again and complete it without exiting.
  6. On Appraisal Retail Replacement Certificates, if you use an Appraisal SKU with no weight entered in the original SKU, it will transfer the weight as 0.0 instead of blank, which is then printed on the certificate.
  7. On Estimates, sometimes the Supplier drop down sorts by Supplier Name instead of by supplier code, so something such as CR - Richmont seems to be missing, because it's in the R's instead of the C's. It doesn't do it if you choose Repair Dept then Estimate, but will if you choose Estimate first then add names etc.
    1. Note: The suppliers aren't missing, just sorted differently so they aren't where they should be, and the Code doesn't find it when it's typed in, as it assumes it's not there and guesses an extra character such as CRL instead of CR. When looking for Estimates, it sorts by Supplier Name, not Supplier Code.
  8. In some cases, a Supplier will not show up for the Service Department 'Stock Item', even though it is entered correctly under Supplier Groups and shows up in all other Service Departments.
  9. When trying to update a Supplier's email address, it may show up as a hyperlink, and clicking takes you to their website instead of allowing editing. The workaround is to go to the preceding tab on the Supplier profile, and use the Tab key to get to the Website field and edit it that way.